
A world of many worlds

The "Pluriverse" body of work embarks on an exploration of a world composed of many interwoven realities. Through digital imagery and installations, it contemplates the existence of multiple, coexisting worlds, each contributing its unique symbols, values, and interpretations. This artistic project suggests that no singular narrative governs reality but rather that an interconnected web of perspectives thrives, expanding the possibilities for understanding. "Pluriverse" gestures toward a new cosmology—one that embraces multiplicity as a fundamental principle for a more inclusive and compassionate worldview.

Patterns | towards a taxonomy of the real, digital images, 2023

Patterns | towards a taxonomy of the real, installation concept, 2023

"Many words are walked in the world. Many worlds are made. Many worlds make us. There are words and worlds that are lies and injustices. There are words and worlds that are truthful and true. In the world of the powerful there is room only for the big and their helpers. In the world we want, everybody fits. The world we want is a world in which many worlds fit. [...] Softly and gently we speak the words which find the unity which will embrace us in history and which will discard the abandonment which confronts and destroys us. Our word, our song and our cry, is so that the dead will no longer die. We fight so that they may live. We sing so that they may live"

Zapatista National Liberation Army

Cosmogony 1, digital panorama, 2023

Cosmogony 1 (details), digital panorama, 2023

Cosmogony 2, digital panorama, 2023

Conception, digital panorama, 2023

Inflation (details), digital panorama, 2023

Inflation, digital panorama, 2023

Romy's world 1 (details), digital panorama, 2023

Romy's world 1, digital panorama, 2023

Romy's world 2 (details), digital panorama, 2023

Romy's world 2, digital panorama, 2023

Ball play (detail), digital image, 2023

Ball play (detail), digital image, 2023

Ball play, digital image, 2023

Ball play, digital panorama, 2023

Guatemala cityscape (detail), panorama, 2023

Guatemala cityscape, digital panorama, 2023

Color mazes (details), digital images, 2023

Color mazes, digital images, 2023

Color mazes, digital images, 2023