"CholoTrump" (2017-2019) functions as a mechanized provocateur, programmed to deliver animations across a spectrum of discourses—weather, news, poetry, and sociocultural critiques. It takes aim at the former U.S. president, drawing its comedic force from the incongruity between the grotesque caricature it presents and the sobering realities it invokes. Climate change, historical walls, art, and literature are filtered through this bot’s pseudo-erudition, revealing a paradoxical depth beneath the seemingly trivial surface. The bot becomes a dialectical agent, where the farcical is inseparable from a latent seriousness. In this performance, humor serves as a de-escalating weapon against the seductions of authoritarianism, deploying laughter as a philosophical counterstrike against power's overreach, disarming its pretensions while illuminating the fragile artifice of authority.
